Friday, March 16, 2012


Oh My God!!!
I did it again...
I let him eat my "cookies" before even letting him know me. 
What is always wrong with me?
What would he think of me now?
I guess I have really spoilt my chances...
*Sigh...Sigh... and deeper Sigh...*
Does this sound familiar?
I believe almost every female has passed through this before...
You know, the guy you meet, who you think he's nice and perfect and all that...
The guy who does everything right... the guy you have envisioned as being "the one"
And more importantly, the guy whom you really, really, like...
He asks you out on a date and you agree,
Its like magic to you, the conversation is flowing,
He's everything you pictured and a little more...
The date is over, your mind is made up...
He kisses you and the next thing;
You're both wrapped up in sheets, tangled bodies, peaking emotions...
All this comes to an explosive stop...
You awaken, your mind is racing and the next thing is:

Yep, that's you, curled up in that little corner of your mind,
You glance at your surroundings, taking everything in...
No, you were not drunk, you were very sane, you actually wanted this to happen...
But then, it really isn't about you at this point...
It is about him... you already know where you want to be with him;
You already know how you want this to end... as a matter of fact, this is just the beginning for you.
What does he want? was this just a simple night of pleasure? or was it the start of something new?
Does he like you? or does he just see you as a means of release?
sex on the first date: a miss or a hit?
Different people have had different things to say on this, 
Can anything meaningful come out of it?
How does this affect your respect level?
Has it spoilt what you both have been building?
What next after this?
The thoughts and questions can be really overwhelming...
In actual fact though, does it really matter?
You meet a guy, you have amazing chemistry, its not just sexual,
You're both comfortable around each other, you can both be silly and act stupid,
You can even fart in front of him and he burps in your presence!!!
You are free to tell him about your escapades and he is telling you about the girls he has had things to do with...
So you had sex... does this really change all that?
Does it have to be so complicated? I mean, it had been building up for quite a while...
Yes, I know that we females go to bed with all sorts of emotional attachments and all,
So that kinda makes it difficult for us to see clearly after this has happened...
But whatever happened to... talking bout it perhaps?
I dunno but it just seems logical that for a person you claim to tell almost everything to, this shouldn't be an exception.
Honesty... No? Yes?
At least, you get to know where you stand, where you both stand...
And it takes you a step further in moving on...
Does it have to be so dramatic?
Don't you think that instead of shying away from it, you should both lay your cards on the table...
Let him know that this is what you want, and he says if he can handle it or not...
If you both want the same thing, then you both end up happy...
And if not... then another one bites the dust.
So its not always that easy, hell, it is never that easy...
But then again, what's done is done right?
Should sex on the first date be the 'deal breaker'?