So today I opened my page on one of the many social networks online and I saw something that struck me so deep, I was moved to write...
Now, I do not know why it hurts me so much or why I am affected like this;
After all, I have moved on and that phase of my life is over and done with.
Could it be that a part of me never really believed that it was over?
Or for the simple fact that I wanted Him to be as hurt as I was?
Maybe I think Karma hasn't done a very good job of giving Him a dose of what He gave me;
I used to think karma was the "Lady Vengeance";
Ready to mete out the exact fate on those who have have caused great pain to others...
Whatever it is, Karma hasn't done right by me; cos if She did, I wouldn't be here feeling this way...
What do you do to someone who has literally ripped your heart right out of your chest?
Someone who has managed to create this void that is impossible for anyone else to fill?
How do you even begin to address the mere fact that you really haven't let go of the memories you built?
Something has been opened within;
A deep wound that I had covered for so long; its a huge gash and it has started to bleed profusely...
I should be happy that in my pain, someone has found happiness...
I should be...
But I am not.
Enough with the rash decisions, I have got to face the fact that regardless of the wall and gates I have erected;
They weren't successful in keeping out the one who I feared the most...
My head is pounding, My heart is beating fast, I try to smile within my building trepidation...
Power has been transferred into the hands of someone who thrives on vulnerability;
Power has been given to someone who feeds on weaknesses...
So once again, I turn to the Fates and the cold embrace of Time's healing hands...
Waiting for them to work their magic; hoping on them to take away what has been done...
This is their area of expertise...
The taking away of cancerous growths...
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