Saturday, January 15, 2011


Writing to me is not a function of artistic talent,
Though I must agree that there has to be some form of artistry in a piece...
I do not write to be noticed as someone with skill,
I do not write because I want people to label me a "writer";
I do not write because I think that I have something very important to share...
I do not even write because I want to be recognized or be acclaimed;
I am no poet, I am no artist, neither am I a writer.
I am just someone who has a lot inside and needs to find a release outside.
I am someone who is affected by moods and when the different moods come,
they press down on me so hard that I find solace in letting everything out.
I found my solace, I found my place of quiet and rest, I found my place of purity,
The English Language has termed the action "writing" and those who do this are called "writers".

So I am a writer.... and as a result, I write;
but what do I write? what are my motives for writing? are there any set boundaries for writing?
Of course there are;
However, I see writing in a different light. Writing is passionate, Writing speaks,
Writing screams, Writing yells, Writing whispers, Writing, sings, Writing dances, Writing breathes, Writing does a lot of other things.
To me, Writing is life, Writing has a soul, Writing feels pain, joy, sadness... you name it.
Writing is alive...
Writing is all these things and more because it employs two immutable and powerful elements:
The Power of Imagination and The Power of Words.

When you delve into the World of Writing, you become unlimited;
Everything is before you, a vast space of ideas and concepts and memories, both created and those yet unknown;
Writing gives you power, power to create, power to erase, power to build, power to delegate, power to choose... there are no limitations whatsoever.

So I write... I write what I feel, I write what I know, I write the impossible, I write through my senses, I write through another's point of view, I write.....
I write because whatever comes out is a piece of me, I write because its a means of escape sometimes, I write because I feel this certain strong compulsion, I write because I can create a world of my own and fill it with the beautiful things I want..
I write because in this world, there are no clouds of judgement, no moral bane of society to uphold...
I write because it flows from deep inside of me, its something that I cannot deny..
I may not have the rhyming words, or a rehearsed speech or a dictated opinion...

All I know is that whenever I get my hands to a keyboard or a pen to a paper, or any surface...
Something flows and it doesn't stop flowing till I have emptied every last word.
I may not be happy afterwards, or the tears may still flow or the hunger still burning fierce..
But there's one constant thing....
And in the end, that is all there is...

I write because... it is the best way I know how to express.


  1. yes what ever you have said so true....i really loved to read more of beautifully you have expressed the thoughts.....good work dear.

  2. i thank u so much and im glad its appreciated.
